Berlin Graphic Days 15 – 17 March 2019

Berlin Graphic days 15-17 March 2019

Graphic art in all shapes and sizes lies in the focus of the art festival Berlin Graphic Days. The festival features live painting and music as well as an art market and a party.

About 60 national and international graphic artists, illustrators, street artists and screen printers come together at XLane to create, display and offer works of art – such as silkscreen prints, T-shirts, canvas tote bags and one-of-a-kind graphic art – for sale. Fans of graphic art in all its forms are invited to witness the creative process and to support local artists.

Live Painting and Music at the Berlin Graphic Days
The programme of the art festival includes:

– Exhibition
– Night Market
– Opening
– Live Paintings
– Live Music

Reichenberger Straße 154
10999 Berlin

Summer in the city – best beach bars, chill out places and parks in Berlin

You planning to visit Berlin now or in the coming weeks? Surely you will visit the main touristic spots, like Brandenburg Gate, Fernsehturm, Eastside Galaery and so on. But Berliners like to chill out after a full day at the riverside, or in nice open air location with cold beer and good music. Here are some of the best places you shouldn’t miss.

Sommer in Berlin

Bearchbars, Cafes or Sitting Outside:

At the parking level of the shopping mall Neukölln Arcaden you can find not only a chill-out-café-bar called Klunkerkranich but also one of the best views over Berlin. You should definitely go there in case you are – by chance – one of these people in Berlin that are NOT blessed with their own gigantic roof terrace. You are not alone if you are one of them. Not alone at all.


The Prinzessinnengarten is a mobile garden next Moritzplatz in Kreuzberg. In the shade of the trees you can have a relaxing beer, or try a snack of the homemade organic food.

Club der Visionäre

Club der Visionäre aka CdV is a bar swimming on the water of a sidearm of the river together with the bar Freischwimmer it’s the favourite place for people from Kreuzberg and Friedrichhain to chill out on a long long Sunday afternoon. At the CdV there are always really good Dj’s playing. There are no big gigs, it’s more like they go and play in their own living room. So often you get the chance to meet some high ranking Djs.


Yaam is one of the oldest Beach Bars in Berlin. It’s like a little island of Jamaica right in the middle of Berlin. Here you always find a little peaceful beach and chilled reggae music. At night they do some good parties too. Right now the Yaam is under threat because of a luxury condo they want to build on this location. That’s why a move is already scheduled for 2013. The new location will be the area of the former Maria/Magdalena/Josef Club and Schilling Bridge.


The Badeschiff is a very unique place. Since the river Spree isn’t particularly made for swimming. They transformed to old ships into a swimming pool on the river. Pretty awesome right?! A lot of people hanging out at the Badeschiff the whole day. Swimming, chilling, sun bathing and later on dancing since they also do a lot of open air parties in the summer months.


Lichtpark is one of the newer Open Air Party locations. For the weekend they provide for a small entry fee nice electronic music and a chilled location on the river. This place is often crowded by people who either just come or go to Kater Blau Club or did not get in for the Sunday after hour party but still want to make party.


You’ve probably been to open-air festivals at  ://about blank or  Sisyphos already. But it does not always have to be all electronic beats for crazy dance moves. At Monbijoutheater for example, you can learn to dance mambo, tango or swing. Feels like Dirty Dancing!


During the summer the bridge and its grassy shores are alive with droves of Berliners, relaxing and chilling with some cheap späti beers. All whilst taking in the vibes from the buskers, acoustic groups, And any other manner of movers and shakers that swings by. Free entertainment at its best! Setting the groove all the way into the night.

Tempelhofer FeldWe also recommend the big and green parks in Berlin like:

Tempelhofer Feld
Insel der Jugend Treptower Park
Volkspark Friedrichshain



Images © Sabine Alex

Looking for a room in Berlin? First take a bed in our Hostel!

Just for the first few weeks…

…a bed in our hostel is a good alternative after a busy house hunting to relax and to get insider tips from our hostel team about available rooms and the most amazing parts of the city. Compared with the room rents in Berlin depending on bed category to book a bed at our hostel is often cheaper or equal. Our door is open to all home seekers. We want to make your start in Berlin as pleasant as possible.

Roughly 3.5 million people currently live in Berlin. Many of them are students who just stay for one or two semester in Berlin. And some just stay for the summer. Since the revolutionary student protests in the 70s it is common to live together in a big shared flats. It is the easiest way to settle down in Berlin and you will find many shared flats (WG) available. Since the wall came down and Berlin has grown up to be a busy metropolis the situation with the rent market has changed and the prices have gone up. Finding a proper room in a WG (German for shared flat) isn’t that easy any more. The location is very important. Among the Berlin Hipsters Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg and Neukölln are the best districts in Berlin. But finding a room there is a troublesome adventure. Standing in a long line with about 20 other Students can be a normal situation now days. But maybe we can help you. We as Berliners got plenty of experience in finding a WG since we used to live in shared flats for a long time.

 Your room at the In-district

 Which area is the best to live in? This is the first and most important question. In Berlin the answer usually is Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. There you will find a lot of old buildings and old buildings mean large rooms and plenty of space. A must if you’re looking for a shared flat. No one wants to live in the broom closet. Friedrichshain and especially the neighbourhood around Boxhagener Platz is crowded and popular among students. It offers many pubs and cafés and of course the Revaler Straße, also known as “Technostrich” where one club chases the other. This gives you a good diversion from a stressful study. Neukölln has gotten very popular during the last few years but think about the everyday transportation. The FU Berlin is located at Dahlem. For us locals here in Friedrichshain it is in the middle of nowhere. Every day pilgrimage thousands of students to the campus in Dahlem. From Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg area the transportation could easily take you 45 minutes. The HU Berlin and TU Berlin are located straight in the middle of Berlin and are easier to reach. The technology and science headquarters are in Adlershof and it is relatively easy to reach from Friedrichshain using the S Bahn.

 How much is a shared apartment

Find your flat in BerlinThe times when you could get a cheap apartment in Berlin are long gone. But shared apartments in Berlin are still a good option for those making their first steps in the city. Around semester breaks and in the beginning of spring the renting price rises and it gets harder to find a place. There are however companies who make a lot of money with shared apartments with high rents, so when you are in Berlin take your time for your search for suitable apartment.

 Intern ship in Berlin

 It can be really hard to find a room if you are a trainee looking to stay only for few months in Berlin. For those people we got the magic word they need to look for: “Zwischenmiete” (interim tenant). Many locals are leasing their apartments/rooms out for short time period and you will find them online as well.


For Berlin and surroundings the websites and also are the most important flat- search websites on the Internet If you are staying for a short period of time look at “Mietwohnzentrale“. Of course we at the U inn Berlin Hostel can help you out ones you are here and give you a hand searching for an apartment or maybe we already know a residential community that is searching for a new member.

 Photos by: Libertinus _timl and offshore @ Flickr

7 YEARS U inn Berlin


Come and celebrate our 7th Birthday with us!!!

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7 Years ago we opened our doors to welcome travellers from all over the world.

We could share so many nice moments with you and hope to do so

for many more years!


Come and celebrate our 7th Birthday with us!!!

One of our staff members is a professional jazz player and will play for you, our receptionists create nice cocktails  – and you? Come by and enjoy it all!!


Silvester in Berlin Friedrichshain

 Silvester in Berlin Friedrichshain

Silvester in Berlin FriedrichshainBald ist es wieder so weit. Alle warten schon wie verrückt auf das Ereignis des Jahres. Touristen Berliner und wir im U inn Berlin Hostel Silvester steht vor der Tür. Ende Dezember wird es wie immer voll in Berlin. Silvester wird gefeiert und das nicht nur auf der großen Silvester Party am Brandenburger Tor. Sondern auch in den vielen Bezirken von Berlin. Wir laden Euch ein zu Silvester in Berlin Friedrichshain. Das im Bezirk Berlin Friedrichshain gerne gefeiert wird ist über die Grenzen Deutschlands bekannt. Ob Berghain, Watergate oder die Ravaler Str. Hier wird das Neue Jahr wohl am extremsten in Berlin gefeiert.

Ubernachten in Berlin

Legendär sind auch die Partys auf der Warschauer Brücke, der Moderson Brücke und der Oberbaumbrücke die Berlin Friedrichshain und Kreuzberg die beiden Trendbezirke verbindet. Wer natürlich lieber unterm Brandenburger Tor feiert mit seinen vielen Bühnen und der Tanzfläche von ca 80.000qm und sich das große Feuerwerk anschauen will erreicht den Alexanderplatz in nur 10 Minuten mit der U-Bahn U5. Wer lieber im Friedrichshain feiert hat nur ein paar Minuten bis zu Simon-Dach Straße oder der Revaler Str. mit ihren vielen Clubs zu laufen. Für ein Angebot zur Übernachtung in Berlin während der Silvester Feierlichkeiten in Berlin schreibt einfach eine Buchungsanfrage an uns.