A stroll along the Spree, visiting a beer garden, relaxing in a park, heading out of Berlin by bike to take a swim in a lake – doesn’t that sound wonderful? But right now it’s January. There is no sunshine you can enjoy, there is no breeze that warms your skin, there is no beer garden that welcomes you to have a seat and a cool beer.

Soundmonster@Flickr.com (CC BY-SA 2.0)
All that the January seems to offer is cold, damp and greyish weather and the best way to escape the cold that creeps everywhere is to spend the day on a sofa in front of the telly with a hot chocolate. But not in Berlin! Although Berlin does not offer any winter sports activities, there are still a lot of places which will make you forget that the weather is shitty and make you remember that you’re in one of the best cities in the world.
Alternatives on a rainy Day
So what is on the table? Berlin is not only a lively city during the summer months, even during the winter Berlin offers a variety of activities and most of them are weather resistant as well. With it’s over 180 Museums, exhibitions and gallery’s Berlin offers an historical or cultural interested guest a notable collection. I know you might say that museums aren’t much fun, stuffed with old pictures and ancient stones no one actually cares about. But hold on – you might want to change your mind once you give the Hamburger Bahnhof a go. The Hamburger Bahnhof is definatley worth a visit! Based in an old railway station from the 19th century, it offers a huge collection of contemporary art. Contemporary art? Well that’s basically the stuff you look at and think: “I’ve could have done that” – but would you have had the idea for it? Right now the Hamburger Bahnhof invites you to an exhibition of a group of artist, including Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol and quite a few younger aspiring artists. The things they do range from minimalistic sketches to geeky videos and crazy installations. Yes, if you’ve got the chance to see that you better not miss it!
Indoor activity’s in Berlin
But what if you are absolutely not into the whole museum business? Well let me sort that out: How about a huge Aquarium? Or are you more into playing with Lego bricks? Or maybe you fancy taking pictures with the celebrities at Madame Tussaud’s?
Berlin Bunker Tour
But if that’s too mainstream for you, we’ll figure out a more unique program. Why not explore the subterranean architecture with the “Berlin Unterwelten” and dare to climb down in an old World War 2 bomb shelter or a Cold War Nuclear War bunker? At least they are rain proof and you might as well learn some history and even hear some insider stories about what really happened underneath the surface.
Endless Clubbing in Berlin
As you can see, Berlin has a lot to offer during the Winter Season. If these alternatives don’t convince you here is our last resort. The Berlin Club Berghain opens its doors at midnight on Saturday and offers you a full accommodation till Monday morning. 😛